The Age to Start Throwing Breaking Pitches: A Guide for Young Pitchers & Parents
As parents and coaches of aspiring baseball players, it’s vital to approach the development of pitching skills with caution on and informed strategies. One of the most debated topics in youth baseball is at what age pitchers should begin throwing offspeed pitches and advanced pitches like curveballs, sliders, changeups, or splitters. In today’s edition of “The Overhead Athlete’s Edge,” we will review recommendations that I share with my athletes based on advice from leading experts in the field of biomechanics, and consider prerequisite factors, such as strength and mobility, needed to safely introduce these pitches.
In Focus: Let’s Talk about Torque
Scientifically speaking, torque is a rotational moment of force. In baseball terms, torque is the force generated to throw a baseball, usually created through a transfer of energy from the ground, up through the core, and out through the hand when throwing the ball. Controlled torque ensures a forceful and dynamic motion, maximizing a pitcher's potential when throwing the ball, and allows for a pitcher to control spin rate and movement of each pitch. Torque, however, is also how we measure the stress on the elbow and shoulder, particularly when throwing at high volumes and velocities. Improper use of torque can lead to poor mechanics, inefficiency, and inconsistency in pitch location and velocity. Excessive torque over extended periods can lead to arm fatigue, diminishing performance and placing undue stress on ligaments, tendons, and muscles, thus increasing risk of injuries such as UCL (the Tommy John ligament) tears.
So how do different pitch types compare in terms of torque? Let’s take a look at some articles from the leading experts in the field.
So what do the articles tell us? Torque on the elbow and shoulder are typically greater when throwing a fastball, but the rate of pain and injury are greater with your offspeed pitches. What I take from this is that though torque on the elbow and shoulder are higher with the fastball, the mechanics of the fastball are easiest to learn and perform properly, and with monitoring of pitch count and adequate rest/recovery, the rate of injury is lower. So for my youth baseball players, we start with the fastball, and whether or not I recommend throwing more advanced pitches depends on THROWING MECHANICS, STRENGTH, AND BODY CONTROL.
Expert Insights: Recommended Ages for Introducing Pitches
To enhance performance and reduce injury risk, youth pitchers need to learn proper fastball mechanics at an early age. A changeup is recommended as a safe secondary pitch to complement the fastball; the curveball can be added once the fastball and changeup mechanics are mastered.
As coaches and parents of youth baseball players, I recommend familiarizing yourself with the MLB Pitch Smart Guidelines, which are based on evidence and recommendations from experts.
Pitch Smart | Guidelines |
Here are general age guidelines for introducing each pitch:
Fastball: Begin around age 8-10, focusing on proper mechanics and arm strength. The fastball is the least stressful pitch biomechanically, making it a safer option for young players.
Changeup: Introduce around age 10-12. The changeup is an off-speed pitch that places minimal additional stress on the arm compared to the fastball. If thrown correctly with the right amount of pronation, this can irritate the elbow, so be sure to monitor
Cutter: Introduce around age 13-16 as it serves as a middle ground between a fastball and a curveball. The cutter generates more lateral movement than a fastball but with less drastic torque and spin than a curveball, making it a useful addition for pitchers who have developed strong mechanics and arm control.
Curveball: Consider around age 13-15, but only if the pitcher has demonstrated strong mechanics, body control, and maturity. Research shows that improper curveball mechanics can increase injury risk (Fleisig et al., 2006).
Slider: Typically reserved for ages 16 and older due to its high stress on the elbow and shoulder.
Splitter: Introduce around age 16 or later. The splitter places a particularly large strain on the elbow due to the required grip and release mechanics. Special considerations include adequate hand and finger size to execute the pitch correctly without compromising mechanics or increasing injury risk.
It’s important to note that these are simply recommendations. There are some kids I have worked with in the past who demonstrate all of the requirements to start throwing breaking pitches on the earlier side, with some pitchers introduced to curveballs around the age of 10. However, in these scenarios, they are not throwing curveballs in game situations. Instead, they are practicing how to throw them occasionally under the watchful eye of a skilled pitching coach. No offense to the dedicated Little League coaches out there, but sometimes the emotions of the game can influence decisions about what pitches our kids should be throwing. It’s crucial to prioritize the long-term safety and health of our children above the outcome of any single game.
Additional Steps for Safe Pitching Development
Focus on Mechanics: Proper mechanics reduce stress on the arm. Encourage young pitchers to work with qualified coaches who prioritize safe techniques.
Limit Pitch Counts: Follow age-appropriate pitch count guidelines to prevent overuse injuries (MLB Pitch Smart, 2024).
Monitor for Pain: Any pain in the elbow or shoulder should prompt immediate rest and evaluation by a medical professional.
Year-Round Training:Encourage multi-sport participation and rest periods from baseball to prevent overuse injuries and develop overall athleticism (Fleisig & Andrews, 2009).
Ask the Expert: Your Burning Questions Answered - “What strength and body control pre-requisites should I look for in my son before they start throwing breaking pitches?”
When determining if a young pitcher is ready to throw pitches beyond a fastball, it’s not just about reaching a specific age. Readiness depends on whether the athlete has the strength and body control necessary to generate a pitch using their entire body—not just their arm. This requires excellent lower body, core, and upper body strength to ensure the kinetic chain functions properly during the pitching motion. Athletes must demonstrate the ability to transfer energy efficiently from their legs through their core and into their arm without overloading any single joint.
Body Control: The ability to perform functional movements like squats, lunges, and strengthening routines with optimal form
Core Strength: A stable core, such as lumbar spine control in a plank while adding in dynamic movements; the core supports the rotational forces and transfer of torque during pitching.
Upper Body Strength:Exercises like push-ups indicate readiness not only by showing sufficient strength in the chest, shoulders, and arms, but in showing an athlete can move as a single unit. Observe if the shoulder or hips rise prior to the rest of the body.
Shoulder Stability: Rotator cuff, scapular strength, and muscular endurance of the shoulder are essential for reducing injury risk (Fortenbaugh, Fleisig, & Andrews, 2009).
Technique Spotlight: Screening for Body Control
In this video, I demonstrate a key screening tool to assess an athlete's ability to effectively control their body. Proper body control is a critical foundation for safely and efficiently mastering advanced pitching mechanics.
This drill focuses on core stability and total body coordination, ensuring the athlete can maintain control through dynamic movements. While this exercise is an excellent initial screening tool, it is only one part of the process. There are many other exercises and progressions I like to incorporate to fully evaluate and develop an athlete's physical readiness.
If an athlete struggles with this exercise, it may be an indication to prioritize further development in areas like core strength, mobility, and balance before introducing the demands of breaking pitch mechanics. Watch the video closely and see how well you or your athletes can maintain control through the movement!