Exercise of the Month - July

Strengthening the rotator cuff, with an emphasis on deceleration and eccentric strength, is vital for overhead athletes to prevent injuries and enhance performance. The rotator cuff muscles stabilize the shoulder joint, ensuring proper alignment and reducing the risk of dislocations and tendon injuries. During overhead movements, such as throwing or serving, these muscles play a crucial role in the deceleration phase, where they eccentrically contract to slow down the arm. This eccentric control is essential for managing the high forces exerted on the shoulder, protecting the joint from excessive stress, and preventing common overuse injuries like rotator cuff tendinopathy and tears.

In addition to injury prevention, focusing on rotator cuff eccentric strength enhances an athlete's performance and longevity. Strong rotator cuff muscles ensure efficient energy transfer during explosive movements, improving power output and accuracy. They also help maintain muscle balance between the accelerating and decelerating muscles, preventing imbalances that can compromise shoulder mechanics. By incorporating rotator cuff strengthening exercises into their training, athletes can achieve better control and stability during their sport-specific actions, ultimately leading to improved performance and a prolonged athletic career.


What is a SLAP Tear? A dive into the most feared type of labral tears in the shoulder.


Shin splints and why they happen at the worst times.